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Make an appointment to clean up your chimney.

With this Tool you can adjust and select your appointments.
Your demand will be looked over as soon as possible by our secretarys. Then you get a confirmation..

  1. Enter your Postcode and then click on: Show available date
  2. Choose your most appropriate time. (Mornings or Afternoons)
    (there is a possibility that only one appointment will be available in the morning or afternoon.)
  3. Click Continue and enter your contact details


  • Have one chimney cleaned

    129.87 € TTC

  • Have two or more chimneys cleaned

    81.17 € TTC / chimney *

*The chimneys must be located on the roof of the same building

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Gidd w.e.g. een Datum an eng Zait un wou dier gären hätt dass een laanschtkennt.

Gidd w.e.g. äre ganze Numm an.
Gidd w.e.g. äre Virnumm un.
Gidd w.e.g. äre Strooss un.
Gidd w.e.g. är Uertschaft un.
Invalid Input
Gidd w.e.g. är Telefonsnummer un.
Gidd w.e.g. är Email Address un.
Invalid Input
Invalid Input